WWEC2022 in Rimini: Three Days at the Center of the Wind Sector

28-30 June 2022, Rimini – www.wwec2022.org 

Rimini/Bonn/Roma, 8 June 2022 – The 20th World Wind Energy Conference 2022 in Rimini is approaching, hosted by WWEA and ANEV. WWEC2022 will cover the full range of relevant topics, with focus on some of the most important areas and latest achievements.

Leading speakers of the plenary panels cover key international organisations, including Francesco La Camera, Director General of IRENA, important international non-governmental organisations, e.g. Hans-Josef Fell, President of the Energy Watch Group, political decision makers like Gianni Girotto, chair of the Industry Committee of the Italian Senate or industry leaders such as Michael Bergey, CEO of Bergey Windpower.

Several sessions have been dedicated to two of the most important current topics of wind power deployment: offshore wind energy as well as community energy and community engagement:

Countries around the world have started to incentivise offshore wind power and the sector has seen huge growth rates and an astonishing technological progress. In the Mediterranean sea, Italy is one of the most promising offshore wind markets. Two sessions will deal with latest developments in technology and will present opportunities and challenges of the current offshore wind markets.

With the rapid increase in wind power installations, the role of citizens and communities as active drivers of these developments has become more than obvious. Accordingly, two dedicated sessions will discuss best ways to increase local, community based ownership and how to best engage communities and citizens in wind projects, by maximising benefits for them. The ultimate goal is to discuss how to strengthen not only acceptance, but support for wind power deployment.

Join the world of wind energy in the beautiful Adriatic city Rimini and enjoy the 15% early bird discount when registering before 12 June!

WWEC2022 website: www.wwec2022.org

The full programme: https://wwec2022.org/program/

Registration link: https://form.adriacongrex.online/registration-form-wwec2022/